Give droopy eyes a lift with eyelid surgery

Give droopy eyes a lift with eyelid surgeryPeople say that eyes are the window to the soul. If you have puffiness, sagging or pockets around the eyes, your true vitality might be masked, making you look older and more tired than you are.

An eyelift (also called blepharoplasty) can restore your youthful look with virtually no visible scarring. For this reason, it is a popular cosmetic surgery option among men and women aged 35 to 75.

Is eyelid surgery right for me?
You may be a candidate for an eyelift if you have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Excess skin that obscures your eyelids’ natural folds
  • Loose or puffy skin around the upper lids
  • Droopy skin under the eyes
  • Fine wrinkles or bags

If the droopy skin affects your vision, your eyelid surgery could be covered by insurance.

What options do I have?
The Cosmetic Surgery Center at UMass Memorial Medical Center offers three kinds of eyelifts: surgery on the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids and both.

A consultation at UMass Memorial can help you decide which kind of eyelift is right for you. During your appointment, an experienced cosmetic surgeon will meet with you to discuss your desired look. He/she will then analyze your whole face to determine how that look can best be achieved.

You could have several options available. Many patients get brow lifts to enhance the eyelift’s final result. Your cosmetic surgeon may also suggest getting Botox® first. This corrects wrinkles around the forehead and eyes so you can analyze the look before making a permanent change.

What should I expect during eyelid surgery?
Surgery takes place on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and mild sedation. During the procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will work with a team of experienced nurses to remove extra fat and/or skin from the eyelids.

What should I expect after eyelid surgery?
Most patients experience mild discomfort the night following eyelid surgery but pain subsides rapidly. Mild swelling and bruising may last a week or two.

Both are small prices to pay for a rejuvenated appearance that will last 10 years or more. And because the incision is hidden within the natural crease of your eyelids or even inside the lower eyelid, you will be left with virtually no visible scars — just a fresh new look to show the world.

For more information, please call 508-334-5990.