Is tummy tuck surgery right for you?

Flat abs are the new American dream, but diet and exercise are not always enough. Pregnancy, aging and weight fluctuations sometimes leave behind skin and belly fat that only a cosmetic surgery, such as a tummy tuck, can remove.

Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin while strengthening weakened or separated stomach muscles. The procedure has become increasingly popular with both sexes in the past decade.

UMass Memorial Cosmetic Surgery Center’s skilled plastic surgeons perform hundreds of tummy tuck cosmetic procedures each year, and can help determine if one is right for you. Just remember: Tummy tucks cannot treat obesity. Therefore, you should be at a relatively healthy weight before considering cosmetic tummy tuck surgery.

What is the best tummy tuck procedure for you?
During your initial consultation with one of our cosmetic surgeons, be prepared to list your medical conditions, previous surgeries, drug allergies and medications. Our cosmetic surgeon will assess your skin quality and explain the risks of a tummy tuck operation. He/she may also ask a few questions to determine your expectations and goals.

You could have several choices available, including a mini tummy tuck or a tummy tuck with liposuction. These procedures can be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis, using intravenous sedation or general anesthesia.

Your own experience will likely depend on the results you want and the degree of cosmetic surgery necessary to achieve them. Together, you and the surgeon can decide which options best meet your needs.

Are you a good candidate for a tummy tuck?
The best candidates for abdominoplasty surgery are in reasonably good shape but have excess abdominal skin or localized fat in the abdomen that does not improve with diet and exercise alone. A tummy tuck is particularly helpful for women who have had multiple pregnancies, resulting in skin that is so stretched, it cannot return to normal.

What should you expect from tummy tuck surgery?
Less belly fat and smoother, firmer abs. Your recovery from tummy tuck surgery should take about two to three weeks, during which time you might have to wear a compression garment. You may also have surgical drains to prevent fluid buildup. At first, the results of your tummy tuck may be hidden by swelling and bruises.

Youcan feel confident that you will have received the best treatment possible at UMass Memorial Medical Center. Our highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons are all members of the University of Massachusetts Medical School faculty. This partnership ensures that our physicians are up to date on the latest techniques and technology.

For more information, please call 508-334-5990.

Tummy Tuck Resources