June 2016 - UMassMemorial Medical Group

Archive | June, 2016

The Eye Lift – AKA Blepharoplasty

Drooping is not good – not for flowers, or asparagus, or shoulders. And as you age, droopy eyelids can be especially telling, making you look older and even impairing your vision. Eyelid surgery, also known as an Eye Lift, or, technically, a blepharoplasty, is one of the most popular anti-aging cosmetic procedures. It is performed […]

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Teenage Plastic Surgery – Fad or Fabulous?

It’s difficult these days to be a teen. Peer pressures abound, bullying is rampant, and the images on social media don’t help with feelings of inadequacy and lack of self-esteem. Some teens think that having plastic surgery will improve their self-confidence. There aren’t any empirical studies examining the long-term benefits of surgery in teens, but […]

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An Injectable Primer For Men

More men than ever are opting to take advantage of the benefits of Botox and Dermal Fillers – popular, FDA approved, non-surgical treatments – to address their fine lines, wrinkles and other visible signs of aging. Injectable treatments are of two basis types: Dermal fillers, such as Restylane and Radiesse®, and Neurotoxins, such as Botox®. […]

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