Understanding the recovery process is essential if considering blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). Swelling is a normal part of healing, but there are effective ways to minimize it. At UMASS Memorial Plastic Surgery, we’re committed to guiding you toward rejuvenated eyes. What Is Blepharoplasty? Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects droopy eyelids by removing excess skin, muscle, and […]
Archive | Blepharoplasty

Lose the Sagging Eyes
Sagging isn’t really appreciated much anywhere. Not on a soufflé, and certainly not on your eyelids. But due to the thin skin on your eyelids and around your eyes (some of the thinnest on the entire human body), the eyelids and surrounding skin sag. And that can make you look years older. But you don’t […]

Blepharoplasty: What is it?
Gravity tends to take over as we get older: everything starts to slowly move down. We aren’t the type to fight all signs of aging, but we do like to age gracefully. And sometimes aging gracefully involves taking care of ourselves and keeping our spirits up. When it comes to our eyes, we don’t want […]

The Eye Lift – AKA Blepharoplasty
Drooping is not good – not for flowers, or asparagus, or shoulders. And as you age, droopy eyelids can be especially telling, making you look older and even impairing your vision. Eyelid surgery, also known as an Eye Lift, or, technically, a blepharoplasty, is one of the most popular anti-aging cosmetic procedures. It is performed […]
Eyelid Surgery: Beyond Cosmetic Concerns
Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, ranked third in the top 5 surgical cosmetic procedures in 2013, up by 5.4 percent from 2012. Here at our Worcester cosmetic surgery practice, we have also noticed an increasing number of men and women who want to learn more about the procedure. While these patients often seek the […]