Does Cosmetic Breast Surgery Affect Breast Sensitivity?

 Tattooed woman feels her breast after undergoing cosmetic breast enhancement for a larger, more elevated bustIf you’re considering cosmetic breast surgery, one question you might have is whether the procedure will affect the sensitivity of your breasts. This is a valid concern, as changes in sensation can impact your overall satisfaction with the surgery. Thankfully, at UMass Memorial Cosmetic Surgery Center, our team of world-class surgeons prioritizes both aesthetic outcomes and the functional integrity of your breasts following your surgery.

Understanding the Impact on Nerve Sensitivity

Breast surgeries, including breast augmentationbreast reduction, and breast lift, involve alterations to breast tissue that can affect the nerves. Here’s how different procedures might impact sensitivity:

  • Breast Augmentation: Implants can stretch or compress nerves, potentially causing temporary changes in sensation. Most patients experience a gradual return of sensation over time.
  • Breast Reduction: This procedure involves removing breast tissue and skin, which can lead to more significant changes in sensitivity due to the removal of nerve tissue. However, many patients find the physical relief from reducing breast size outweighs this potential drawback.
  • Breast Lift: This surgery typically involves repositioning the breast tissue and nipples, which can temporarily disrupt nerve connections. Sensation usually returns as nerves regenerate.

Factors Influencing Sensory Changes

Several factors can influence the likelihood and extent of sensory changes, including:

  • Surgical Technique: Surgeons at UMass Memorial Cosmetic Surgery Center use precise techniques to minimize nerve damage and preserve breast sensation.
  • Individual Anatomy: Your natural anatomy and the existing nerve pathways within your breasts play a crucial role in how likely you are to experience changes in sensitivity.
  • Size and Placement of Implants: Larger implants or those placed under the muscle may have a higher chance of affecting nerve pathways.

Most patients find that any changes in breast sensitivity are temporary. The recovery process varies, but sensation typically returns within a few months after surgery. Full recovery can take up to a year, or sometimes longer.

Schedule a Consultation

At UMass Memorial Cosmetic Surgery Center, we understand the importance of preserving breast sensation when making cosmetic changes. With decades of combined years of outstanding outcomes for our breast procedure patients, our doctors are here to discuss any and all concerns you have about cosmetic breast surgery. For a consultation in Worcester, MA, please contact us today at 508-334-5990.

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