Summer is Ending: Time for a Post-Summer Skin Check

Woman with freckles and her hand on her face checking for signs of skin cancer.As summer winds down, it’s a great time to focus on your skin’s health. After enjoying the sun and outdoor activities, you might be wondering if your skin needs a little extra care.

One important aspect to consider is skin cancer. This time of year is perfect for a post-summer skin check to ensure your skin remains healthy and free from potential issues.

Why a Post-Summer Skin Check Matters

During the summer, the sun’s UV radiation exposes your skin to higher levels of intensity. This exposure can heighten your risk of skin cancer. Even if you used sunscreen and took precautions, it’s essential to monitor your skin for any changes.

A post-summer skin check helps identify any potential problems early, which can lead to more effective treatments and better outcomes.

What to Look For

When performing a self-examination, there are several key signs to watch for:

  • Changes in Existing Moles: Look for moles or freckles that have changed in size, shape, or color. A change in an existing mole could be a sign of skin cancer.
  • New Growths: Be alert to any new spots or growths on your skin that weren’t there before. Have a professional evaluate any new growth.
  • Irregular Borders: Moles with uneven, notched, or scalloped edges can indicate a higher risk of skin cancer.
  • Color Variations: Moles with multiple colors or uneven coloration can be a warning sign. Healthy moles typically have a consistent color throughout.

How a Professional Can Help

While self-examinations are crucial, they don’t replace the need for professional evaluations.

A dermatologist or skin care specialist can provide a comprehensive skin check, using their expertise to detect subtle changes that might not be obvious to the untrained eye. They can also perform biopsies if necessary to diagnose any suspicious areas accurately.

Schedule a Skin Cancer Consultation in Worcester, MA

At UMASS Memorial Plastic Surgery, we prioritize your skin health. Our experienced team is ready to assist you with a thorough skin evaluation. Contact us today at 508-334-5990 to schedule your consultation. Taking care of your skin is essential, and we’re here to support you in ensuring it’s healthy and protected.

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