What You Should Know About Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation If you have been thinking about enhancing your breasts through plastic surgery, you likely have many questions about the process. Breast augmentation is a personal choice that requires careful consideration of the benefits and risks. Here are some of the key things that you should know about breast implants.

Understand the Various Procedures

There are a few techniques a plastic surgeon may use to insert breast implants. The most common is the inframammary incision, made under the breast. There is also the transaxillary incision in the armpit, which leaves no visible scar on the breast, and the periumbilical approach through the navel. During surgery, our team will carefully position the implants to create an attractive, proportional shape. We may place the implant under or above the chest muscle based on your anatomy and desired results.

Be Prepared for the Recovery Process

Recovery lasts several weeks after breast augmentation surgery. Your breasts may be swollen and tender for two to three weeks as you heal. While every patient heals differently, most can return to non-strenuous work within a few days. However, our surgeon will likely recommend avoiding any vigorous exercise and heavy lifting for four to six full weeks. We will provide detailed post-operative instructions and medications to keep you comfortable.

Know the Many Benefits

Augmented breasts can make you feel more self-confident and satisfied with your appearance. Many patients choose implants to restore volume lost after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Others opt for breast enlargement to balance asymmetrical breasts or provide a curvier silhouette.

Since breast implants come in various types and sizes, patients have the ability to select a size that best meets their aesthetic goals. This is particularly helpful when patients undergo breast augmentation after mastectomy due to breast cancer.

Schedule a Consultation in Worcester, MA

If you want to learn more about breast augmentation, UMASS Memorial Medical Group in Worcester, MA, can help. Call (508) 334-5990 today to schedule a consultation. Our experienced, compassionate surgeons will address all your questions and concerns about this highly personalized procedure. Together, we can decide if breast implants may be the right choice to help you look and feel your best.

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