Small, Medium, Large? Choosing The Correct Implant For Your Body

breast implantsIf you are considering breast augmentation surgery, chances are your friends, family, significant other and even the media are having their “say” on the size of your implants. This is a very important decision that you have to live with and should make for yourself. That being said, you may think “bigger is better,” but the current augmentation trend is leaning toward “less is more.”

If you’re confused about what size implant would be right for you, read on. Choosing the correct, perfect implant size doesn’t have to be a big deal. Follow these easy tips and rest assured that you will get the most optimum results – for you:

  • Understand Your Body. Every body is different. And although it may be nice to wonder how you would look with your current Hollywood favorite’s breast size, understanding your body type will help you more accurately choose a breast implant size that is perfect for you. If you are curvy, you may want to opt for a larger sized implant – if you have a petite frame, large breasts may make you look unnatural and top heavy, so opt for smaller.
  • Observe Other Women. Observing friends, family members or women in the media who have your similar body type could help you decide the best implant size for your body type.
  • Try On Bras Of Different Sizes. A good way to decide your ideal breast size is to try on larger sized padded bras that will help give you an idea of how larger breasts would look on you. You can compare your potential breast size to your frame and build, and check to see if it will make you look disproportionate.
  • Be Clear. During your initial consultation, be sure to tell your surgeon what look you are going for and your goals and expectations. Explain whether or not you want a drastic or subtle change to your appearance. This will help both you and your surgeon narrow down the ideal cup size for you, and the end result won’t leave you dissatisfied.

To learn more about breast augmentation surgery, call to schedule a consultation appointment, today.

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