Thigh and buttock lifts are transformative procedures designed to enhance lower body contours by removing excess skin and tightening tissues. Despite their growing popularity, these procedures are often surrounded by misconceptions. Let’s separate fact from fiction to help you make informed decisions about your body contouring goals. At UMass Memorial Cosmetic Surgery Center, our experienced team provides […]
Archive | Buttock Lift

Sagging Bum? Lift it up!
There comes a time when we stop looking so long at ourselves in a full-length mirror. Maybe we’re not happy with a few extra pounds we’ve put on over the holidays (and are still hanging out with us in August). Or maybe we’re not so worried about extra volume, but decreased volume. If you’re currently […]

How To Fix A Sagging Tush
Spring is just around the corner, and we all know what that means — summer is just a few months away. You may have spent the last few months working on your body to get rid of the little bumps that developed over the holidays. Men and women alike focus on toning areas of the […]
Enhance Your Junk In the Trunk: 3 Pre-Buttocks Lift Tips
It’s the new year and while many of your friends are setting weight loss goals and stepping into the gym for the first time in who know how long, you’ve been doing this for years. If you are a fitness and health food enthusiast but you still can’t seem to lose the weight and tighten […]

What’s A “Gluteoplasty”? It’s The Technical Name For A Butt Lift
Excess skin and fat in the buttock area can add bulk and frustrate your efforts to achieve a slimmer, more sculpted body through weight loss. A popular procedure and one of our specialties at U Mass, the butt lift involves removing skin and fat through liposuction and surgical excision. It should not be confused […]

Is A Buttocks Lift the Right Procedure For Me?
Lucky you! You worked hard, were dedicated and disciplined and you achieved your weight loss goals! You feel slimmer and trimmer…but the loss of weight has left you with excess, sagging, dimpled skin on your buttocks. You just may be a perfect candidate for a Buttocks Lift, a procedure especially designed to tighten loose skin, […]