Liposuction – Can It Help Me Lose Weight?

LiposuctionObesity is an ongoing problem in our society, as people become more and more sedentary. Unhealthy diets are also to blame.

Some people seek to reverse their weight gain and work hard to lose significant amounts of weight. But even with the utmost effort to lose weight, there are areas on the body that still hold on to pockets of fat. These areas are the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, arms, neck, hips and back.

For these stubborn areas, liposuction can remove the fat.

We perform liposuction using the latest techniques to ensure that you get the best results from the surgery. Liposuction involves making an incision into the part of the body where fat has accumulated, inserting a tiny wand (cannula) into the incision, and then sucking out the fat.

After liposuction, you’ll likely be required to wear a compression garment to help the skin and muscle adhere to your new contours. You’ll be able to resume your normal activities within a few weeks of undergoing the surgery. However, you will be asked to avoid any strenuous work for about a month. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, and if you don’t choose a healthy lifestyle, you can gain back the weight.

For stubborn pockets of fat, liposuction is the answer. Call us for a consultation.

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