Men - How To Prepare For A Successful Liposuction

Men – How To Prepare For A Successful Liposuction

liposuctionLiposuction is a popular and trending way for men to achieve an ideal body shape, to correct over-developed male breasts, or to enhance the appearance of their abs and pecs.

Whatever your reason for choosing liposuction, there are a few things you can do before the procedure to increase the likelihood of success:

Six months before:

  • Get a complete physical to ensure that you have no conditions that might interfere with liposuction.
  • Schedule a consultation with your surgeon for an evaluation and to ask any questions you may have.
  • Quit smoking…smoking interferes with recovery.
  • Begin a regular exercise routine and maintain healthy eating habits. For the best results, you should lose as much weight as you safely can before your procedure.

Three weeks before:

  • Confirm your surgery date ask any remaining questions.
  • Cut back your alcohol consumption.
  • Make arrangements to take time off work, and for help with daily tasks while you recover.
  • Make sure you have a ride home following the procedure.

One to Two weeks before:

  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen since they can contribute to excess bleeding during surgery.
  • The day before surgery and the day of surgery:
  • Carefully follow the instructions given to you by your surgeon. These may or may not include not eating or drinking the night before the surgery and what type of clothing you should wear the day of the surgery.

The take-away? These are simple and loose guidelines. For specific instructions you should always consult your surgeon. To learn more about liposuction and the other surgical procedures we offer that can improve your appearance and boost your self-confidence call to schedule a consultation appointment, today.

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