Top Questions About Breast Reduction Surgery

Pretty lady in beautiful white top bikiniBreast reduction sounds like the perfect way to feel more comfortable in your own skin. However, there are some things you would like to know before you commit to surgery. Feel confident in your choice after reading the answers to these common breast reduction questions!

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Breast Reduction Surgery?

Health problems and emotional troubles caused by overly large breasts can often be improved with a reduction mammoplasty. You may be a great candidate for this surgery if:

  • You are bothered by the large size of your breasts
  • You find that your breasts limit your physical activity 
  • You experience neck, back, and shoulder pain
  • Your bra straps dig into your shoulders and create grooves
  • You have rashes or skin irritation beneath your breasts

Other factors that can affect your candidacy include your general health and your expectations. It is important to be physically healthy and have a realistic idea of the results you can achieve.

How Big Do Your Breasts Need To Be To Get a Reduction?

There is no hard and fast rule for this one. If you can relate to anything mentioned in the candidacy section above, a breast reduction might be the perfect solution for your needs.

In general, many patients hope to go down at least one or two cup sizes. However, this measurement is a bit arbitrary. Cup sizes are not the most reliable unit of measurement.

How Do I Prepare for Breast Reduction?

If you decide to pursue breast reduction surgery, you may be asked to get lab testing, a medical evaluation, and/or a baseline mammogram in preparation for the procedure. You may also be instructed to take certain medications or adjust your current medications. Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements because they can increase bruising.

Do you have more questions about getting a breast reduction? Our six board-certified plastic surgeons will gladly provide the answers. Schedule a consultation at 508-334-5990 to learn how breast reduction in Cape Cod and Worcester, Massachusetts can help you feel your best.

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