What Are My Gynecomastia Risk Factors?

Male breast reductionGynecomastia is the overgrowth of glandular tissue in the chest of males. This leads to male breast growth. While gynecomastia isn’t a medical concern, it can be uncomfortable and affect a man’s confidence. Gynecomastia is caused by an imbalance of the hormones testosterone and estrogen. Let’s explore some common gynecomastia risk factors and how male breast reduction can help.

Risk Factors

Anabolic Steroid Use

Anabolic steroids are often used as a physical performance enhancer. Along with various other symptoms, anabolic steroid use increases your risk of developing gynecomastia. This is because anabolic steroids heavily affect your hormonal balance. This imbalance can lead to male breast growth.


Your age also plays a part in your risk of developing gynecomastia. In fact, your risk for developing male breast growth increases past the age of 50. This is primarily because of natural testosterone loss caused by aging.

Cancer or Tumors

Cancer can affect the body in various ways. In fact, it can be hard to predict how cancer or tumors can affect the body because of their rapid growth. That being said, tumors or cancer that affect the pituitary gland or the testicles can cause gynecomastia. This is because of the testicles and pituitary gland’s essential role in keeping a hormone balance.

Family History

A family history of gynecomastia will increase your risk of developing it. However, this is only if the gynecomastia was caused by a genetic or medical condition that affects their hormones. If a family member was using anabolic steroids and developed gynecomastia, that doesn’t mean you’re at a higher risk.

How Male Breast Reduction Can Help

Gynecomastia may just seem like excess fat on the chest. Unfortunately, exercise and diet cannot fix gynecomastia. This is because gynecomastia is actually comprised of glandular tissue and has to be surgically removed. Thankfully, our team of doctors at UMass Memorial Medical Group can perform male breast reduction to eliminate gynecomastia for good. Our staff believes that everyone should feel at home in their bodies. That’s why we provide a range of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures to help you reach your goals. If you’re struggling with gynecomastia, then contact UMass Memorial Group at 508-334-5990 today.

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