Make Your Ear Surgery Recovery Easy With These Tips

ear surgery The ear is a crucial organ that not only allows you to hear the world around you but is also fundamental in establishing your sense of balance. As such, ear troubles can wildly throw your life out of balance. And even if the issue is only cosmetic, that can be enough to throw off your self-perception and body image—harming your confidence overall. But it doesn’t have to be that way! With the help of successful ear surgery and the following simple ear surgery recovery tips, you could be happy with the state of your ears in no time.

Make Healthier Lifestyle Choices (If Only Temporarily)

Though this can apply to any surgery recovery, it’s still vital to bring it up when talking about ear surgery recovery specifically. During the recovery time after the surgery, your body will be expending a high amount of energy to heal as quickly and effectively as possible. So, in order to best help your body with that process, you’ll want to:

  • Switch out heavily-processed foods and sugary snacks for more nutritious meals
  • Forgo the consumption of alcohol and smoking of tobacco
  • Not overexert yourself with your daily activities
  • Get an adequate amount of sleep at night

Temporarily Adjust the Way You Sleep

Speaking of sleep, due to the nature of the surgery, you may have to adjust the way you sleep at night. For those who sleep on their back, not much may change unless you feel you need to elevate your pillow more than usual to dispel any discomfort. And if you’re a consistent side-sleeper, depending on which ear the surgery took place, you may or may not have to completely change which side you sleep on.

Avoid Touching the Recovering Ear

Finally, the less you can touch or make unnecessary contact with your ear, the better things will be during your ear surgery recovery. Not only will it reduce the possibility of damaging or worsening any post-surgery symptoms, but it will also reduce the odds of accidentally causing it to get infected.

Otoplasty Made Easy With the UMASS Memorial Medical Group

If you’re in need of ear surgery, don’t hesitate to reach out to the talented surgeons at UMASS Memorial Medical Group at 508-334-5990. Operating in both Worcester and South Dennis, MA, your rejuvenated ears could be just a call away.

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