Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips

As the most popular cosmetic surgery performed on the face, rhinoplasty is a safe and effective way to improve the shape and size of your nose permanently. A rhinoplasty can also provide additional health benefits by improving the nasal airway in patients with a deviated septum or other issues with the structure of the nasal or sinus bones.

Rhinoplasty surgery is conducted in an outpatient surgical center under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. This will be discussed during your consultation. During the procedure, which takes between 90 minutes to 3 hours, your surgeon will create a small incision in your nostrils or under the fold of your nose to access and reshape the bone structure.

You will generally be able to go home after a short recovery and monitoring period to begin your full recovery. To achieve the best results from the procedure, it is very important to protect your nose from any impact or movement for at least the first week. To help this, your surgeon may provide a rigid, protective splint to wear over your nose.

Generally, the first two weeks after the procedure are when the most pain and swelling occur. These can usually be overcome with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medications, but your doctor may prescribe other medicines as needed. Rest and avoid blowing your nose are essential during this time to further facilitate healing.

You should be able to return to non-impact, light activity three weeks after the procedure and back to regular life when the bones fully heal at six weeks. Once the bones are fully healed, you will be able to return to more strenuous exercise and now be able to blow your nose.

Although the recovery from a rhinoplasty can seem restrictive, it is very important not to rush the recovery and allow the delicate bone in your nose and sinus to heal. Movement, such as blowing your nose during the early parts of the recovery, can affect the results.

The expert surgeons and staff at UMass Memorial Cosmetic Surgery Center in Worcester, MA, can answer your questions about the rhinoplasty procedure and the recovery process. Call the office at 508-334-5990 or visit www.cosmeticsurgicenter.com to schedule an appointment today.

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