Take Advantage of the Popular Thigh and Buttock Lift

Legs crossed of young woman resting by swimming pool.Spring into action and reap the benefits of the popular thigh and buttock lift offered by any one of the six skilled, board-certified UMass Memorial cosmetic surgeons. You may have heard the term Brazilian Buttock Lift. Whatever it has been termed by popularity, this aesthetic enhancement has been increasing in demand over the past few years. Summer is almost here, so show off your new body profile with a thigh and buttock lift.

Candidates for a Thigh and Buttock Lift

You deserve to create the body form you’ve always wanted to add to your profile – including your thigh and butt area. When diet and exercise have not given you the satisfaction you are seeking from a firmer and more youthful body, explore a more proportionate image with a surgical thigh and buttock lift.

You may be a candidate for undergoing a thigh and butt lift if these areas are:

  • Flat
  • Saggy
  • Disproportioned
  • Lopsided
  • Out of shape

One or more of these troubling issues may make you an ideal candidate for our thigh and buttock lift. A thigh and buttock lift reshapes this area by:

  • Reducing surplus, loose, sagging skin
  • Extracting unneeded fat to smooth dimples

The primary goal of this procedure is to polish your buttock skin while simultaneously contouring the thighs, as well as the hips.

Thigh and Buttock Lift Procedure Basics

Thigh and buttock lifts may be popular, however, you must make sure that your treatment is customized to your individual needs and desired result.

  • Liposuction is used to extract unneeded fat from the arms, stomach, and waistline
  • Extracted fat is firmed and prepared for injection
  • Thighs and buttocks are injected with fat and sculpted

Not only does this procedure shape your thighs and butt to your liking, it simultaneously shrinks fat in the extracted areas – love handles diminish.

It’s Time to Get Your Thigh and Buttock Lifted

If you think you’re a candidate for a thigh and buttock lift, schedule a consultation at UMass Memorial by calling 508-334-5990. Check out our other popular aesthetic treatments, such as liposuction and tummy tuck.

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