Wake up tired eyes with eyelid surgery

beauty woman clean skin and hairstyle brunetteIf your eyes make you look more tired than you are, or even angry, then it may be time to talk about what can be done to give your face a more youthful, regenerated appearance. Eyelid surgery is a popular plastic surgery procedure to improve the appearance of the eyelids. Here are some things you should know about this procedure and whether you would be a good candidate.

What is eyelid surgery?

Also known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery is designed to rejuvenate the area surrounding your eyes, including the eyelids.

Eyelid surgery addresses the loose or sagging skin that creates folds on the upper eyelid. This often is more than just an aesthetic concern, but a functional one as the drooping skin impairs vision. This surgery also addresses bags under the eyes, fatty deposits that make the eyelids appear puffy, drooping lower eyelids and excess skin and wrinkles of the lower eyelids.

Candidates for surgery

Good candidates for surgery are people who are experiencing these concerns with their eyelids. If you healthy, non-smoking and don’t have medical conditions that can affect healing or serious eye conditions, then you may be a good candidate for surgery. It’s vital that you have a positive outlook and realistic goals for the outcome of surgery.

Surgical steps

Eyelid surgery is an outpatient surgery that is done under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. You and your surgeon will discuss the best choice for you. On the upper eyelid, excess fat is removed or repositioned, muscles are tightened, and excess skin is trimmed away. On the lower eyelid, excess skin is removed, while excess fat is repositioned or removed.


The incisions are made within the natural crease of the upper eyelids, which means the resulting scars will be well concealed as they heal. The incisions on the lower lid are made at or just below the lower lash line, which means those scars will be concealed as well.

Eyelid surgery can wake up tired-looking eyes, with subtle yet incredible results that last for years. If you are interested in learning more about eyelid surgery, call us at (508) 334-5990 for a consultation.

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