Say Goodbye To Winter With These Body-Enhancing Procedures

beach-blond-sunglasses-XSmallWinter’s icy winds and snows are about to give way to some perky yellow daffodils and shy little violets…harbingers of spring for sure. If spring is just around the corner, then the sunny days of summer cannot be far behind. You want to look your best for the pool and beach vacations, so now is the perfect time to explore cosmetic surgery. Here are a few of the procedures we offer to get your body ready for the lazy, hazy days of summer:

  • Tuck Your Tummy. An abdominoplasty removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, helping our patients achieve a smooth, flat and toned stomach. It’s important to remember that a tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure. However, it can address a tummy that is drooping as a result of pregnancy, the aging process, prior surgery or a major fluctuation in weight.
  • Get Bigger Breasts. Our patients who are unhappy with the size or shape of their breasts find that a breast augmentation is an appealing option. This customizable procedure – utilizing saline or silicone implants – can increase the size of small or uneven breasts.
  • Get Smaller Breasts. Overly large breasts can be a medical as well as a cosmetic concern. Poor posture and back pain prompt many of our patients to request breast reduction surgery. This surgery reduces glandular tissue and fat from the breasts while tightening the breast skin, helping our patients achieve a more comfortable and physically appealing contour.
  • Get Lifted Breasts. Gravity, aging, weight loss and pregnancy can cause breasts to sag and droop. A breast lift is designed to combat this drooping and restore a more youthful breast contour for our patients.
  • Try Lipo. Struggling with stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to traditional exercise and weight loss methods can be frustrating, at best. Liposuction provides a minimally-invasive solution. Liposuction works to suction out areas of unwanted fat from areas of the body such as the abdomen, thighs and hips, helping our patients achieve a slimmer silhouette just in time for summer.

Want to learn more? Call to book a consultation appointment, today, because now is the perfect time to get your body summer-ready: (508) 334-5990.

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