Deciding Between a Breast Lift, Breast Implants, or a Combination of Both

41564653Women primarily want to improve the appearance of their breasts not just because they want to look good but also because they want to feel good. It may be difficult to freely admit but one’s self-esteem will almost always be affected with how one appears to others.

Here at our Worcester cosmetic surgery practice, women who want to improve the appearance of their breasts will often ask which breast enhancement surgery is ideal for their cosmetic needs and preferences. By and large, each breast enhancement procedure have specific issues that they’re designed to deal with.

When to Choose a Breast Lift

A breast lift is ideal for women who want to correct sagging breast issues but do not want to increase its size. In addition, a breast lift will reposition the nipples for that perkier look. 

When to Choose a Breast Augmentation

On the other hand, if you wish to improve the size, shape, and projection of your breasts, having breast implants may be what you’re looking for.

When to Choose Both

You can choose to have a breast lift and breast implants at the same time if your goal is to correct your breasts’ droopy appearance and increase its size at the same time.

Discussing Your Breast Enhancement Options with a Trusted Plastic Surgeon

Aside from making the decision as to which breast enhancement surgery is ideal for you, it is also equally important that you take the time to carefully assessed and evaluate the plastic surgeon of your choice. Aside from solid experience, you might also want to consider a surgeon’s quality of care, compassion, and surgical precision.

If you’re like to learn more about  breast enhancement surgeries and whether or not you’re an ideal candidate, we invite you to get in touch with us! Call Julie Gilson, our very accommodating patient coordinator, at 508-334-5990 or fill out this contact form to set up a consultation.We look forward to your visit!

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