5 Recovery Aids that Every Plastic Surgery Patient Should Have

shutterstock_51175156Healing and recovery from plastic surgery vary from one specific procedure to another. In addition, individual factors such as genetics, nutrition, and lifestyle can also make a difference on one’s recovery period.

Here at our Worcester cosmetic surgery practice, we do not just perform the procedure of your choice but we also fully commit to helping you every step of the way during recovery. With this commitment, we recommend to patients who undergo plastic surgery here at our practice to have the following recovery aids handy.

1. Ice packs – Swelling and bruising are common after plastic surgery, particularly breast augmentation and rhinoplasty.  Generally, patients are advised to apply ice packs during the first 48 hours following surgery and should be applied every 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Compression Garments – This recovery aid is beneficial in reducing bruising and swelling resulting from body contouring surgeries (tummy tuck, having breast implants , liposuction, etc)  that require the skin to adhere to its new contours and speed up the healing process at the same time. Aside from reducing swelling, compression garments are help avoid blood clots from forming and help keep the “treated” area mold into the desired position.

3. Bandages – No matter which procedure you’ll have, bandages will always be needed to protect the incision site, keep the area dry and clean, and hold the open wound together until it has fully healed.

4. Scar reducing creams – Any surgery that requires opening the skin will always have the possibility of scarring. Scar reducing creams will come in handy in softening the appearance of these scars. However, your surgeon’s skill and expertise will play a large role in determining whether or not the scar will be as discreet as possible.

5. Camouflage makeup – Although this recovery aid won’t directly help you recover well, camouflage makeup can help cover up the surgical site while you’re still healing and be more confident at the same time. It is best to ask your surgeon first about which brands are ideal for your type of skin and surgical procedure.

Let us help you come up with a solid recovery plan after plastic surgery! Call Julie Gilson, our very accommodating patient coordinator, at 508-334-5990 or fill out this contact form to set up a consultation.We look forward to your visit!

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