Plastic Surgery For Seniors

senior plastic surgeryRetirement? Certainly not for everybody!

Many people are choosing to stay in the workforce longer, and with that comes the increased pressure to look young – and stay competitive. It’s a fact: Many women and men of “a certain age” are motivated to opt for cosmetic procedures to amp-up their self-confidence and image. Cosmetic surgery for this particular population is definitely trending. Additionally, many older patients are seeking cosmetic procedures because of longer life expectancy and healthier lifestyles.

If you fit into this category, we know that you want to look as good as you feel. Cosmetic surgery has become a common practice for all ages and all walks of life. Brow lifts and breast lifts are popular among the over-60 crowd, along with face lifts and eye lid surgery.

Treating older patients may raise some concerns, however, such as the inherent risks of surgery. Performing elective surgery on patients in this age bracket brings its own set of concerns to the operating table. The older patient may have medical problems such as high blood pressure and coronary artery disease that have to be taken into consideration and may not be a concern with a younger patient. Older patients are also more likely to be on medications that could impact the outcome of their procedure.

Since cosmetic surgery is primarily a matter of choice rather than necessity, all of the health and medical factors that could increase risk of complications or affect the results of the procedure should be carefully weighed before any procedure is performed. At the end of the day, the health of the patient is much more important than age when determining eligibility for elective cosmetic surgery. The key to any successful cosmetic surgery is to carefully screen patients prior to the procedure – regardless of their age – to exclude those who have medical conditions that would significantly increase their risk.

It’s never too late! To learn more about the many plastic surgery options available to you at U Mass Memorial, call to schedule a consultation appointment, today: (508) 334-5990.

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