The tummy tuck explained

Excess fat and skin in the midsection can make both men and women feel self-conscious about bearing their skin during the hot summer months. However, plastic surgery can help! The team at UMass Memorial Medical Group advises patients in the areas of Worcester and South Dennis, MA to consider the advantages of procedures such as the tummy tuck, or “abdominoplasty.”

How does a tummy tuck work?

Many patients confuse a tummy tuck and liposuction to the midsection. The tummy tuck procedure is more than just liposuction. First, the doctor will remove excess fat in the area with liposuction, during which a cannula is inserted into the abdominal area and used to suction fat cells from the body. When done correctly, the results are even distribution of remaining fat. Once the fat has been removed, the doctor will then remove excess skin. When a significant amount of fat is removed from the body, it can result in sagging skin. The tummy tuck procedures combines both liposuction and skin removal for more dramatic, noticeable results!

Is a tummy tuck a great way to lose weight?

The doctors at UMass Memorial Medical Group encourage patients to book a consultation appointment to learn about the goals of a tummy tuck. The tummy tuck procedure is not intended as a weight loss option. Inf act, the best candidates for this procedure are those who are within their ideal weight range but require targeted fat and skin removal to improve their contours. However, patients may notice a drop of a few pounds depending on how much fat and skin are removed during the procedure.

Enhance your midsection today!

If diet and exercise have failed to address excess fat in the abdominal area, or if you have lost a significant amount of weight and need to remove sagging skin, the tummy tuck procedure might be best for you! Schedule a consultation appointment and initial evaluation to determine candidacy for this or other plastic surgery procedures available at UMass Memorial Medical Group. The team has two offices located in South Dennis and Worcester, MA and accepts new patients.

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