Spring Into Spring Skincare

Whew. Winter is almost over and spring is valiantly poking its way forward. Living where each of the four seasons is experienced presents unique skincare challenges. Your tender facial skin is bombarded daily by the elements of each season, from winter’s icy blasts to summer’s sizzling heat. That’s why it’s important to give your skin the loving care it needs to thrive throughout the year. So, now that spring is on its way, here are a few ideas to get your winter-weary skin ready for summer.

skin care springOne of the most important things you can do after a hard, cold, drying winter is exfoliate your skin. Sloughing off winter’s dead cells renews and refreshes your skin. If you haven’t exfoliated your face all winter, it’s time to start. The goal is to work up to exfoliating two to three times a week. You can exfoliate gently at home using a soft washcloth or, for an easy DIY scrub recipe simply mix granulated sugar with olive oil or honey for an extra dose of hydration while you exfoliate. Take it easy. Be gentle. Don’t tug at your skin or rub too vigorously.

Keeping your skin moist all year is critical, and essential as you re-condition your winter skin. Invest in a high quality facial moisturizer – one with a built-in sunscreen, if possible. Hopefully you have been keeping your skin moist during the winter months, but now that the sun is about to be a daily visitor, moisture plus sunscreen are absolute musts for supple, summer-ready skin.

If you want maximum rejuvenation, make an appointment with us for a chemical peel. Peel treatments are designed to improve the appearance of dull skin, uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, blackheads, and even sun damage.

Spring is also a perfect time to make an appointment for a Botox treatment. There is no downtime and your skin will be renewed and ready just in time for summer.

Call to schedule a chemical peel or Botox appointment or to consult about any skin care issue: (508) 334-5990.

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